Sunday, March 27, 2016

The Amazon Whisperer

  • Describe the revenue drivers you currently include in your business concept for this class. Revenue drivers are the different ways you make money. Well my main revenue driver would be direct sales because I do have a food product.
  • Describe what kind of product offering you believe should be next. What's the next thing your customers want? I believe next would be to have different flavor of guacnola or maybe make it into a pre made cereal to eat with water to attract lactose customers.
  • Describe how this "next" thing will enhance your existing product/service offering. Does it improve the user experience, does it increase customer switching costs, does it foster customer loyalty, etc.? Yes it does because it makes use have different variety to be seen in different places.
  • Go to Amazon and try to find a product that is similar to the one you want to offer next. Describe the product. Include a picture of the product. I searched for this product and there is no other products that are like it so i would be the first on the market.
  • What are the customer reviews for the product? What, exactly, do customers not like about the product? What do they like about it? My current reviews are that it is a strange combo and not very appealing but once you eat it then your mind is changed.
  • Describe what design/usability changes you'd make to the product. Creating variety.
  • Describe why you think this product would make a good addition to your current product/service offering. Because it would be appeal to more people making demand increase.


  1. Jazmin, this is the first time that I have seen anything about your venture. I am just guessing that you are trying to mix guacamole and granola to form a cereal. I think that is very interesting and I would love to try it. If I am correct in my assumption as to what your product is then variety is key. When you walk down the cereal isle at Publix you don't see one type of granola bar your see multiple different combination. Variety is key in any food endeavor and I wish you the best of luck.

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  3. Hey Jazmin,

    I think you have an interesting idea here but I need more information on it. Just like Chris, I believe that you have some kind of guac granola but I can't be too certain. Also, you said that the next step would be to have different flavors. What flavors would you have? Expanding on that would help out a lot in understanding where you want to take your venture. Good start, but it just needs some more information.

    If you get a chance, check out my post over at my blog:
