Sunday, January 31, 2016

Week 4 Reading Reflection

The most different thing that I learned from the reading was the fact that you can develop creativity. Within the reading one of the most the most confusing things to me were reading the uses of the hemispheres of your brain. Although I understand their functions I had trouble connecting them to the reading. Also, if I was able to ask the author some questions I would probably as him  what are some activities that I can do to enact creativity, and if I did this how can I get some ideas of the ground. Finally I do not disagree with the author because I learned that if you commit to something ambition and drive will drive you.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Top 5 World Problems

(N.1) 6. Another world problem is developing worlds. Developing worlds are suffering from a lack of food supply. The solution is having some type of general world consensus where everyone is working together.
(N.2) 10. I believe that the last problem in the world is terrorism. I believe that this constant conflict hinders the world peace. A solution is to even the fields and work together, for an ultimate universal economy where everyone will benefit!
(N.3) 1. The first problem I feel that the world is facing is a rapid aging of baby boomers. They are taking from the economy rather than helping. A possible healthcare crisis. A solution to the gray aging of boomers would probably, may be focusing on ways that they can contribute to the economy is implementing a longer efficient public policy on health care.
(N.4) 2. Another problem in the world that is happening is that everyone is moving to the coast. Today, 7 out of 10 major cities are in the coast rather than mid America. This can dramatically influence economies, sustainability, and more. One solution may be expanding on quality of life offered in the mid-west.
(N.5) 5. Another world problem that I believe we can potentially be facing as a world is having a president whom does not believe in minorities. I believe this that by 2030 the US will not have a minority. A solution is having an open mind.

(N.1) 10. A solution is to even the fields and work together, for an ultimate universal economy where everyone will benefit!
(N.2) 2.One solution may be expanding on quality of life offered in the mid-west.
(N.3) 1. A solution to the gray aging of boomers would probably, may be focusing on ways that they can contribute to the economy is implementing a longer efficient public policy on health care.
(N.4) 6. The solution is having some type of general world consensus where everyone is working together.
(N.5) 5. A solution is having an open mind.

 I chose poverty as a leading international issue because it has to do with the human race and maintaining what are humans. As oppose to the other problems I offered that dealt with internal national issues.

I chose the solution to my 10th world problem as the most possible to implement because if this solution is implemented, there is a chance that every other problem can not match.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Identifying Local Opportunity

The Gainesville Sun

1)      More than 300 March to Say: Hands off our Parks

 Governor Rick Scott has been attempting to privatize State parks from respective cities. It has been a huge issue especially in the city of Gainesville. The local citizens have a problem with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection taking the jurisdiction of the local parks and opening them up to hunting, cattle grazing and more. In response, over hundreds of citizens gathered in front of Plaines Prairie. They believe that it is against the purpose of the Parks which is to preserve Florida`s rich culture.
2) Taxpayers out 1.9 Million to Exit Parking Garage Deal

 The city of Gainesville has a local vision of creating this enormous luxury hotel space in the downtown area. The issue is that the hotel`s vision of size is unfathomable without a large enough parking space. The problem is with the local governments decisions. They need to break out of a 99 year contract with local business owners to make this happen. To a larger scale the issue will extend to pay out of this deal millions that will be deducted from taxpayers.

3)      Oil prices plunge and stock prices hit lowest levels since

 The problem is that energy are pummeled as the price of crude oil sank almost 7 percent threatened to hurt an industry that has already been damaged. The problem is that we are seeing the lowest prices since 2003. Investors are therefore getting worried. In essence the problem is with everyone. The global economy may be slowing down.

 4)      Dogs Patronize Gainesville`s restaurants, never pick up the tab

There is an increase in pet friendly restaurants all over Gainesville. Many are in the process of allowing a permit, however many restaurants are just getting used to the cultural trends. In theory there is no problem. However, the problem is that only a few restaurant only have a permits and pets are not allowed in facilities due to health concerns. If inspectors were to discover this the owners will face a huge issue paying finds.

 5)      Florida's jobless rate now 5 percent, matches national level

This past year there has been a decrease all across Florida in the General unemployment rates. It is the lowest that the state has seen in quite some time. Over 22,000 jobs have been generated in this past year. This event does not have a problem, however it shows a national issue resolved locally. Unemployment has been a huge issue within American History, and to the American economy. Our governor has created a special sector for Florida to deal with this national problem, thus creating a solution … so far.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Cabo Flats- Very Short Interview No. 1


Very Short Interview No. 1

Delia Amador- Cabo Flats

The person that I am interviewing is Delia Amador. She is the CFO, and part founder/owner of Cabo Flats. Cabo Flats is a high end eating restaurant who caters high end food alongside top of the line dining experiences. During the course of completing my assignment, I asked her three questions that were followed by answers. These can be viewed below.

·         What does it mean to be an entrepreneur?
To be an entrepreneur means to be able to succeed, even if past failures are marked in history. Before Cabo Flats I was part owner of Protective Products where I learned that that the complete talent that I had to offer in entrepreneurship and business would not be maximized in this field. This is where I learned positive virtues as mentioned above that have opened a successful mindset in running my 50 million dollar food chain.

·         What do you think I should learn in an entrepreneurship course?
What I think you should learn in your course is most of all people skills that make adaptability in the field a success.

·         What do you wish you had been taught in school before setting out on your own path as an entrepreneur? 
- Before embarking in my Entrepreneurship journey I definitely recommend is learning about financial and business skills that would help risk in entrepreneurship.

Reflecting on my interview. I have learned and have been inspired to do anything great. Risk, creativity, ambition, and persistence is key!

Week 3 Reading Reflection


The most surprising aspect of the entrepreneur mindset was that all the psychological elements of mindset. This was essentially the most shocking from my expectations. I came in the class thinking that there is a certain guideline to becoming a successful entrepreneur, and to my pleasant surprise the mindset is the most important element to factor in to the success of the entrepreneur. Being said, I learned more motivational and mental elements that must be present that made the entrepreneur formula confusing to understand. If I were to ask a question to the author I would probably ask what can I do to mentally reach that point if I am not there yet. How can I develop my mindset further to reach that wanted success. Moreover, I would ask the author if the formula is actually needed when developing that mindset. I don’t believe the author was necessarily wrong about anything, however I can argue that conservative approaches are frequently considered whether risk should be accepted. I believe that this risk element is subjective because everyone has different sets of situations at different time periods. All in all, I really am intrigued in this parallel psychological, and business process that is necessary within the entrepreneurial success. Looking forward to reading more concepts on my road to becoming an entrepreneur.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Week 2 Reading Reflections

  My Week 2 Reading Reflection

Entrepreneurship: Evolutionary Development- Revolutionary Impact

Reading this chapter was an enrichment experience because of the collective external, internal and personal connections that is all used in development of an entrepreneur. The most surprising thing that I read about was the statistics concerning the failing and succeeding startups within the American economy. It was interesting to realize that the mindset of the leader (the entrepreneur) influences the success of the business. More than half of the startups do fail, however most of the new jobs in the economy are within these new businesses. My expectations were not failure, while I associated risk and success. Moreover, in the first chapter of the text book the most confusing aspect was understanding the macro and micro influences of entrepreneurs. I believe that this is an overlapping concept. I believe if I was to ask the author some questions I would probably ask if a different idea would be efficient as a new product rather than a consumer need. I would also ask the author is, that I understand the frequent risk factors associated with new business, but are there any ways to overcome failure? I don`t necessarily disagree with the author, but I do agree that the entrepreneur should posses some mentally strong and durable qualities as presented in the 10 myths and so on that can associate entrepreneurship with success. Looking forward to continue my readings!

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Worlds Biggest Problems Week 3

                                10 of the worlds largest problems... through my lenses

1. The first problem I feel that the world is facing is a the rapid aging of baby boomers. They are taking from the economy rather than helping. A possible healthcare crisis.A solution to the gray aging of boomers would probably , may be focusing on ways that they can contribute to the economy is implementing a longer efficient public policy on healthcare.
2. Another problem in the world that is happening is that everyone is moving to the coast. Today, 7 out of 10 major cities are in the coast rather than mid America. This can dramatically influence economies, sustainability, and more. One solution may be expanding on quality of life offered in the mid-west.
3. Another problem that I can Identify in the world is the obvious increasing number in student debt. This is primarily fostered by generation y that have no knowledge of American obstacles  and what they have been over come. A possible solution is recreating some form of hierarchy that will foster competition therefore influencing the economy.
4. Another issue in the world is flipped gender roles. This is financially influencing and restructuring economic needs.  This runs the world. Not saying its a bad thing. girl power! Comparing economy in the past show a parallel trends relating to adversities. A solution to this is adaption, and attention to future market spaces.
5. Another world problem that I believe we can potentially be facing as a world is having a president whom does not believe in minorities. I believe this that by 2030 the US will not have a minority.
A solution is having an open mind.
6. Another world problem is developing worlds. Developing worlds are suffering from a lack of food supply. The solution is having some type of general world consensus where everyone is working together.
7. A problem I also think that the world is facing that is relevant to number 6. Poor international leadership. A solution would be leadership training.
8. One world problem is technology. Technology is taking the place of humans. A solution is to slow down technology speeds
9. Another problem of the world is lack of education in developing worlds. I feel that this lack can hinder the growing of competition.
10. I believe that the last problem in the world is terrorism. I believe that this constant conflict hinders the world peace. A solution is to even the fields and work together, for an ultimate universal economy where everyone will benefit!

Bug List Week2

                                                       Bug List
Bug 1. One thing that really bugs me is gross bathrooms. Bathrooms with human fesses and dirty rooms is really disgusting to me. It really bugs me because it makes me feel so dirty walking in there. A personal solution can be maybe choosing a better option for myself.
Bug 2. Something else that really bugs me is long lines in fast food restaurants. This really bothers me because it really takes the fast out of fast food. Maybe if I work on my patience this would not be an issue.
Bug 3. Another bug that really bothers me is that cooking takes a long time. When I am hungry I want to eat. Cooking prior and cleaning after really delays the food and takes out the pleasure from the experience of eating. A solution again is to work on my patience.
Bug 4. Something that bothers me is a mess. This bothers me because messes make me feel out of order. The real issue can be control and order. If I understand that risk is a part of success this can help my issue.
Bug 5. Something that bothers me is money. I am always in a constant struggle with it, and it makes me feel very sad. In a way it does not make me feel equal as others in my age group. If I focus on positives rather than negatives this issue can be solved.
Bug 6. Something that bothers me is a million messages in a group chat. It kills my battery and pushes me away from a "group chat". Again, I am observing a reoccurring issue on patience.
Bug 7. Another bug that I have is when I am nice to people and they are not nice back. When this happens to me it makes me feel that I am back at primary school. Personal strength is key.
Bug 8. Something that really bugs me is not understanding a class. When I endure this it creates self doubt within. Reassurance within will be unblocked after finishing this assignment.
Bug 9. Something that bugs me A LOT is doubting myself. I want to be confident person because I feel that it will foster greater happiness within myself.
Bug 10. A bug that I have is having successes ignored. All my life I have felt this way so when this happens to me the feeling of not being appreciated seems amplified. I need to work on my confidence,
Bug 11. Something that bothers me is having not enough winter clothes. Being from south Florida, Gainesville weather is SOOO BRUTAL. I need to get more warm clothing.
Bug 12. Something that bugs me is hard pens. This bothers me because it does not make me want to continue writing, and gives me calluses. Not a huge issue, but definitely a nuisance.
Bug 13. Something that bothers me is slow wifi. This bothers me so much because in my apartment I pay so much money for "fast" internet. Takes the value of my agreement with the company I pay. Patience is a virtue Jazmin.
Bug 14. Another thing that bothers me is doing laundry. Doing laundry is so time consuming and accumulates faster than my rate of interest. haha..... wow I am really not as patient as  I gave myself credit for!
Bug 15. Something that bugs me is increasing price of guac in chipotle. It makes no sense to me when you can make a large bowl full of guac from avocados for like 60 cents a piece.... rather than chipotles ridiculous 2 dollar a unit price. Control seems to be a reoccuring theme.
Bug 16. Glasses really bother me because they are heavy on my face, and do not look great with every outfit. Confidence. if I work on my self trust I believe that patience and control would not be an issue.
Bug 17. Bad nail polish is irritates me because they only last for like 3 days before they chip. Irrelevant bug.
Bug 18. One of the largest bugs I have is poor communication. Arguments hurt my feelings and get no where when two people are in different pages. Solving all my internal bugs.. under the surface of this assignment can really help.
Bug 19. Another thing that bugs me is running without a purpose. This is how I feel about treadmills. Patience, to be improved
Bug 20. One of the worse things that bug me although I understand it, is split ends. They are not helpful with female maintenance.

 This was not challenging, however I discovered the true bother and yearning of improvement I have.  I learned that the true bug within is control, patience, and self confidence. If I personally learn and beleive that I am worthy I will be patient and therefore trusting. Control would not be so much of an apparently clear issue I have. Thanks ENT3003! I`ve learned so much about myself, and am glad to openly improve on them.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

The Entrepreneur Mantra Week2

My Entrepreneurship Story-Week 2

Hello class!

     I am not sure where to begin with my entrepreneurship story, however I believe that an entrepreneur is a strong, dedicated, and persistent, leader to guide a organization of a profitable incentive. Although, I have not created a product or a specific service my story of entrepreneurship was when I and my friend were able to raise a few hundred dollars by selling water bottles at an internationally recognized music festival named Ultra Music Festival. I believe that every great entrepreneurship story began with a great reason behind it. Our reason for selling water bottles were to raise money in order to buy furniture to move to Gainesville. The first step that we took was to strategize our business. We knew that there was a market for festival participants who do not have water in the festival because open containers are not allowed, and the water stands who did sell water were costly of limited supply, so we sold several hundred water bottles for a dollar or two dollars. The bottles came at 2 or 3 dozens for a price of 4 dollars which allowed a high margin. There the true star of the story is that we had true motive to sell these bottles, We set up in several spots to add range. We were determined to sell as much as possible to meet our individual goals. Although we set up for the entire duration of the festival we were very persistent and kept our eye on our goal. Without our ambition I believe that we would not have made as much money as we did. The first night we did not make as much as we intended, but that short coming did not stop us we tried again. Conclusively, we ended up selling $600 worth of water bottles.

      Next, out of this class I want to get out as much as possible.I am looking to be a social entrepreneur in my future so shaping my attitude is essential to me, I am going in with an open mind to be as receptive as possible to a new mindset that I believe can be essential to conquer the career world and regular life.

Friday, January 8, 2016

Introduction Week2

Hi class!
My name is Jazmin Rubido, otherwise known as Jaz, or Jazzy. Currently, I am a senior at the University of Florida, where I am very much enjoying my scholarly pursuits! My ethnic background originates from the small country of Cuba in the Caribbean. Most of the most special , and most hardworking people I know (my family) are Cuban. My family has directed my inspiration of higher education. My family and I are Hispanic. While I currently live in Gainesville, I have lived with my family in Miami, FL for most of my life. My major is Political Science and I am pursuing a minor in both Entrepreneurship and Business Administration. With my future degree, I plan on obtaining a Masters in Social Entrepreneurship. I am a strong advocate of public and humanitarian incentives, so I plan on starting my own organization one day. My love of the non-profit sector has led me to travel to Colombia, and Nicaragua with the purpose of volunteering and truly guided the extra-curricular choices I have made. In this class I hope to shape myself as a young professional and become influenced by other talents in my generation!

Tester`s test