Friday, January 22, 2016

Week 3 Reading Reflection


The most surprising aspect of the entrepreneur mindset was that all the psychological elements of mindset. This was essentially the most shocking from my expectations. I came in the class thinking that there is a certain guideline to becoming a successful entrepreneur, and to my pleasant surprise the mindset is the most important element to factor in to the success of the entrepreneur. Being said, I learned more motivational and mental elements that must be present that made the entrepreneur formula confusing to understand. If I were to ask a question to the author I would probably ask what can I do to mentally reach that point if I am not there yet. How can I develop my mindset further to reach that wanted success. Moreover, I would ask the author if the formula is actually needed when developing that mindset. I don’t believe the author was necessarily wrong about anything, however I can argue that conservative approaches are frequently considered whether risk should be accepted. I believe that this risk element is subjective because everyone has different sets of situations at different time periods. All in all, I really am intrigued in this parallel psychological, and business process that is necessary within the entrepreneurial success. Looking forward to reading more concepts on my road to becoming an entrepreneur.

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