Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Bug List Week2

                                                       Bug List
Bug 1. One thing that really bugs me is gross bathrooms. Bathrooms with human fesses and dirty rooms is really disgusting to me. It really bugs me because it makes me feel so dirty walking in there. A personal solution can be maybe choosing a better option for myself.
Bug 2. Something else that really bugs me is long lines in fast food restaurants. This really bothers me because it really takes the fast out of fast food. Maybe if I work on my patience this would not be an issue.
Bug 3. Another bug that really bothers me is that cooking takes a long time. When I am hungry I want to eat. Cooking prior and cleaning after really delays the food and takes out the pleasure from the experience of eating. A solution again is to work on my patience.
Bug 4. Something that bothers me is a mess. This bothers me because messes make me feel out of order. The real issue can be control and order. If I understand that risk is a part of success this can help my issue.
Bug 5. Something that bothers me is money. I am always in a constant struggle with it, and it makes me feel very sad. In a way it does not make me feel equal as others in my age group. If I focus on positives rather than negatives this issue can be solved.
Bug 6. Something that bothers me is a million messages in a group chat. It kills my battery and pushes me away from a "group chat". Again, I am observing a reoccurring issue on patience.
Bug 7. Another bug that I have is when I am nice to people and they are not nice back. When this happens to me it makes me feel that I am back at primary school. Personal strength is key.
Bug 8. Something that really bugs me is not understanding a class. When I endure this it creates self doubt within. Reassurance within will be unblocked after finishing this assignment.
Bug 9. Something that bugs me A LOT is doubting myself. I want to be confident person because I feel that it will foster greater happiness within myself.
Bug 10. A bug that I have is having successes ignored. All my life I have felt this way so when this happens to me the feeling of not being appreciated seems amplified. I need to work on my confidence,
Bug 11. Something that bothers me is having not enough winter clothes. Being from south Florida, Gainesville weather is SOOO BRUTAL. I need to get more warm clothing.
Bug 12. Something that bugs me is hard pens. This bothers me because it does not make me want to continue writing, and gives me calluses. Not a huge issue, but definitely a nuisance.
Bug 13. Something that bothers me is slow wifi. This bothers me so much because in my apartment I pay so much money for "fast" internet. Takes the value of my agreement with the company I pay. Patience is a virtue Jazmin.
Bug 14. Another thing that bothers me is doing laundry. Doing laundry is so time consuming and accumulates faster than my rate of interest. haha..... wow I am really not as patient as  I gave myself credit for!
Bug 15. Something that bugs me is increasing price of guac in chipotle. It makes no sense to me when you can make a large bowl full of guac from avocados for like 60 cents a piece.... rather than chipotles ridiculous 2 dollar a unit price. Control seems to be a reoccuring theme.
Bug 16. Glasses really bother me because they are heavy on my face, and do not look great with every outfit. Confidence. if I work on my self trust I believe that patience and control would not be an issue.
Bug 17. Bad nail polish is irritates me because they only last for like 3 days before they chip. Irrelevant bug.
Bug 18. One of the largest bugs I have is poor communication. Arguments hurt my feelings and get no where when two people are in different pages. Solving all my internal bugs.. under the surface of this assignment can really help.
Bug 19. Another thing that bugs me is running without a purpose. This is how I feel about treadmills. Patience, to be improved
Bug 20. One of the worse things that bug me although I understand it, is split ends. They are not helpful with female maintenance.

 This was not challenging, however I discovered the true bother and yearning of improvement I have.  I learned that the true bug within is control, patience, and self confidence. If I personally learn and beleive that I am worthy I will be patient and therefore trusting. Control would not be so much of an apparently clear issue I have. Thanks ENT3003! I`ve learned so much about myself, and am glad to openly improve on them.


  1. Jazmin,

    My sincere impression is that you resent when your valuable time is wasted. You keep mentioning how patience is key-- and it is-- but most of what you described is literally a waste of your time, when you've paid for a service that is supposed to be "fast". For example, slow fast-food, slow high-speed internet, or the inefficiency of cooking in a poorly designed/stocked kitchen.

    The other impression I get, is that you resent when you don't receive the value for which you have paid. IE: poor quality nail polish, or poorly fitting glasses.

    Your "bugs" are far more reasonable than you seem to give yourself credit for, and you're probably not alone.

  2. Hi Jazmin,
    I feel the same way about cooking. I love cooking even though it is time consuming from all of the prep work to cleaning all the pans, bowls, and utensils that you used. Even though I did not include that on my bug list it would be one of my bugs.
    Staying organized and cleaning consistently is definitely a challenge because sometimes you are at library for an entire days to a week studying and focusing on classes that you forget about the simple things like laundry.

    Here is the link to my bugs list:
