Debt Financing and Equity financing is a difficult product to truly grasp if you have to knowledge of finance and business. The most surprising part to me is the fact that more
borrowing allows for potentially greater return on equity because relationships are due to intensify because of the monthly repay pressure of debt financing. In essence, being surprising it was the hardest idea to understand. Moreover, the author was not wrong about anything because the entire concept was so new to me. However, if I were to ask the author any questions I would ask him how to balance all these factors efficiently while being an entrepreneur with no prior business experience. Also is this prior question a determinant in startups failure.
Sunday, February 28, 2016
Half Way Reflection
Entrepreneurship is an extremely spiritual, intellectual and personal experience. This class is definitely the epitome of fully embracing your intellectual mind and immerse your self as a new thinker, business person and leader. The past two months have been intellectually rewarding in comparison to quizzes and exams that do not really help grasp on subjects. On the contrary, Ent3003 enables your scholarly self in order to maximize your entrepreneurial thinking. Some behaviors that I have obtained in order to remain on the right path is consciousnesses and organization. There is always something due, and to do. In order to actually maintain the best outcomes is to organize your self. I have done this by daily organization in a daily planner. Many times has been simple to want to give up with never ending work, but what has pulled me through is actually the content. Dr Pryor does a great job actually engaging you intellectually to therefore want to do the assignments. I have developed a tenacious attitude by not only being on my toes on the frequent assignments, but being organized. This has developed by one time where I waited last minute and missed some points. After this time I realized that it was time to do things right, organized and on time. From this incident my interest has spiked and it has been a positive journey there after. Some skills I would offer to future students is to be hungry. Thirst for knowledge and immerse yourself. This class is not tedious its a personal experience that is never offered in classes at UF. Also, be very, very organized.
Sunday, February 21, 2016
Week 7 reading reflection
In this chapter the most surprising element was the fact that the market concentration has been centered on the needs with in advertising. I always believed that this was opposite. On that same note that was the most confusing part to me. Marketing to me was always centered on needs rather than advertising needs. This was the hardest element to comprehend. Also, if I was going to ask the aithor different things I would ask them the influences of the marketing segmentations and their personal experiences relating to so. Lastly, the author is not wrong about anything. There is always different approaches especially in marketing so everything is a learning experience.
Free Money
Wednesday, February 17, 2016
Elevator Pitch 2
I am looking forward to creating great improvement pendant to my feedback. I hope everyone enjoys GuacNola Bars!
Sunday, February 14, 2016
Week 6 Reading Reflection
This article was the most interesting article by far that I was able to read during the course. To me, the most attractive detail from the article (most surprising) was learning the five forces that govern the profit structure of an industry by determining how the economic value it creates is apportioned. The causes and effects are hypnotizing and mind blowing. Moreover reading the article I learned some pretty confusing things such as just generally understanding the work study formula. If I were to ask the author some questions I would ask them how he applies this formula to the everyday, and how it it applies to not only work ethic but personal ethic. I do not think the author was wrong about anything,
Customers Interview No.3
As I conducted my second set of interviews I learned that maybe avocados as a snack bar is not a completely great idea. People seemed to really enjoy the fact that it is healthy but they had doubts on convenience and suggested that adding a variety of flavors would be great. The marketing aspect seemed to be really important because people do not necessarily understand the product. However, some thought that it was different, clever and provided much nutritional incentives. Reflecting, if the product is a success I can then try different flavors like suggested. The most uprising thing that my customers told me that it might not work and to add bacon???.... interesting. All in all, this turn of customers offered a lot more of direct incite as oppose to my last set of interviews which is great. I therefore had a lot more things to think of rather than general feedback. I strategy was to conduct open ended questions on one topic. The last person I interviewed liked the idea yet was confused. I conducted the interview through the phone where I learned that many people do not really like avocados. Therefore I learned a new perspective. Video will be posted soon the person did nto feel comfortable at the moment recording.
Thursday, February 11, 2016
Idea Napkin No.1
1) My name is Jazmin Rubido, and I am a fourth year Political Science student with a minor in entrepreneurship and business. One of my strong suits is the fact that I am a people person and am in a sense personable. I have an extensive list of working with people starting from working with children, families, students, and adults. Some of my aspirations is to add nourishment to the world we live in through healthy nutrition. Regarding my business, I see my business taking place in the nature food/ snack segment.
2) Through my business of Guacanola, I am offering cheap natural snack food. 2 things that are hard to obtain as a student. It is convenient.
3) My product is being offered the student that searches for health, youthfulness, ages 20-30 and consumers that love health! I know this customer because I am the customer.
4) Consumers will pay money because it tastes great, its inexpensive, and it is convenient!
5) What sets me apart from others is my drive to serve others, benefit others, and DEFINITELY make money!
- In addition to all of these aspects above, I would like to add that as an entrepreneur I have more of a personal attachment to the product. I do not know if these elements will be particularly successful for the product success, but we will see. However, my positive attitude will compensate. I have the drive for success!
Sunday, February 7, 2016
Week 5 reading
In this chapter I believe that the author was not wrong with anything. There are certain things that he suggests that are subjective in reality, so several things that he can say will not fit for all. However, I believe that the most confusing part of this chapter to read for me was the part where the author introduced is the life cycle of new ventures. Also, the most surprising thing to me was reading was learning the importance of the Marketing cycle in the entrepreneurial life. Finally, two questions that I would ask the author would be: how do you take a failing venture to success? How useful is technology in new ventures?
Interviewing Customers No.2
Wednesday, February 3, 2016
Elevator Pitch 1
My pitch is on guacbars which a delicous and nutrious. The need is in organic food which is heavey wanted and required. With an increase in consumer demand for avacado this is a perfect product just needs work.
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