Sunday, February 14, 2016

Customers Interview No.3

 As I conducted my second set of interviews I learned that maybe avocados as a snack bar is not a completely great idea. People seemed to really enjoy the fact that it is healthy but they had doubts on convenience and suggested that adding a variety of flavors would be great. The marketing aspect seemed to be really important because people do not necessarily understand the product. However, some thought that it was different, clever and provided much nutritional incentives. Reflecting, if the product is a success I can then try different flavors like suggested. The most uprising thing that my customers told me that it might not work and to add bacon???.... interesting. All in all, this turn of customers offered a lot more of direct incite as oppose to my last set of interviews which is great. I therefore had a lot more things to think of rather than general feedback. I strategy was to conduct open ended questions on one topic. The last person I interviewed liked the idea yet was confused. I conducted the interview through the phone where I learned that many people do not really like avocados. Therefore I learned a new perspective. Video will be posted soon the person did nto feel comfortable at the moment recording.


  1. Hi Jazmin! I really liked how you to what people had to say seriously and learned to ask different questions that looked at different parts of your product. By doing this, it looks like you got a lot of great incite about how to change or improve your product. Overall, great job improving your interviews. You can look at mine here:

  2. Hey Jazmin!
    Your idea is so interesting and I would absolutely love to see something like that created because it sounds so original and unlike anything out there. I too felt a little confused with what it was but honestly anything with avocados is my happy place. I think you did a great job of changing your strategy as far as your questions that shows you're really putting thought into finding the best way of making this happen. The only recommendation I have is to re-read your blog post next time before you post it, you had some grammar errors that I'm sure you could easily catch next time. Either way, awesome idea and great job with this!

  3. Great blog post! I really enjoyed reading about your idea and watching your interviews! I am a bit confused as to what exactly your idea is. Do you serve dishes that feature avocado? Or you solely serve avocados? Either way I believe you could have gotten some disproportionately negative feedback due to the fact that you only interviewed males, whereas it seems your target market would be female.

  4. Hey Jazmin!
    I really like your product concept and as someone who absolutely loves to explore the latest health food/nutrition trends I found this very eye opening. I, for one, love avocados! You may, of course, lean for a new idea but keep in mind many people would find the bar delicious. It might be of value to conduct a food survey on campus and analyze what kind of foods students at UF like the most (who knows, maybe you'll end up designing a Ramen bar to cater to all the college kids on a budget... *jokes*)
    Here's my blog if you want to check out at my idea!
