Sunday, February 7, 2016

Interviewing Customers No.2

 This time I interviewed customers was unique because I focused on a campus based approach. I knew that as a scholarly entrepreneur I wanted to create a product that improved the dietary needs of students. I think that I conquered a great step on my journey... communication. The gateway to success. This time I spoke to different people to analyze the different perspectives of the people that are around campus, so I included a staff member. I asked same questions as a whole but different questions here and there to therefore be reactive as a variable. Many of my questions were similar but some shorter than others seeing how some people were not comfortable with recording. Having some interviews under my belt I feel great, especially knowing that I have backup to encourage me on my journey. Seeing I was nervous about the project I feel great that I conquered it. All in all , I learned that food is essential to campus life and with today`s healthy trends, good food is of the essence along with the convenience and price. Moreover, I did not do Interviewing customers 1 so my description of my opportunity has not changed just enabled. Also, my idea of a potential customer has changed because I was able to narrow a certain segment, and  I learned much about food needs and unmet needs on campus. For students next semester I would say, this is a great assignment and a great class so you will learn a lot about yourself. You get as much as you put in and in terms of assignments this can only benefit you. Don't be scared, prepare with time, and to be patient on inpatient people.. it will happen . This is all part of the journey.


  1. Hi Jazmin! I really liked how you introduced yourself and explained to the person why you were asking those questions. I think by approaching the interviews this way, you were able to get the best feedback possible. All the participants seemed to give serious and helpful responses. Also, it was a good choice to interview people in the library. You can check out my interviews here:

  2. Hi Jazmin, I'd like to applaud you for getting out there and interviewing customers however I was confused about what you were selling. Are you selling granola bars or healthier options for food on campus? Also I felt like the interview was skewed and your questions were leading the participants to certain answers, next time maybe try and have more open questions. Overall, I could tell you were nervous so the fact you went out there and completed it is awesome. Feel free to check out mine @

  3. Great post Jazmin. I think you did a really good job going out there and being confident amongst the people you were interviewing, and this helped them settle in on the camera. However, I have to agree somewhat with Trevor. I think you could make the product more clear in future videos and also not guide them to the end answer as much to get clearer feedback. Well done completing this assignment though!
