Sunday, February 28, 2016

Half Way Reflection

 Entrepreneurship is an extremely spiritual, intellectual and personal experience. This class is definitely the epitome of fully embracing your intellectual mind and immerse your self as a new thinker, business person and leader. The past two months have been intellectually rewarding in comparison to quizzes and exams that do not really help grasp on subjects. On the contrary, Ent3003 enables your scholarly self in order to maximize your entrepreneurial thinking. Some behaviors that I have obtained in order to remain on the right path is consciousnesses and organization. There is always something due, and to do. In order to actually maintain the best outcomes is to organize your self. I have done this by daily organization in a daily planner. Many times has been simple to want to give up with never ending work, but what has pulled me through is actually the content. Dr Pryor does a great job actually engaging you intellectually to therefore want to do the assignments. I have developed a tenacious attitude by not only being on my toes on the frequent assignments, but being organized. This has developed by one time where I waited last minute and missed some points. After this time I realized that it was time to do things right, organized and on time. From this incident my interest has spiked and it has been a positive journey there after. Some skills I would offer to future students is to be hungry. Thirst for knowledge and immerse yourself. This class is not tedious its a personal experience that is never offered in classes at UF. Also, be very, very organized.


  1. Hi Jazmin,

    Your reflection was awesome! It was very well put together and you made some good points too. I am in complete agreement with you on the fact that I prefer to do these assignments over a quiz or exam any day of the week. There is no better way to learn the foundations of entrepreneurship than to go out and practice them. And you were speaking the truth when you said that there is always something due. So organization and scheduling are key. Awesome stuff my friend!

    Check out my blog here if you want to, no pressure:

  2. Hi,

    Your half way reflection was great and gave me more insight on the class. I do agree with you. The format of this class is a lot more rewarding than other classes I have taken here at UF online. I tend not to like them because they are not interactive and just have tests and quizzes. This class has given me also, the oppertunity to learn beyond a text book. This class has taught me time management and organizational skills as well.

    If you would like to check out my half way reflection you can here :
