Sunday, April 10, 2016

Celebrating Failure

 Failure is never easy to conquer or speak about. In fact, it is the hardest thing to talk about because it involves vulnerability when as students, siblings,  and friends, we work so hard to/be show confidence. Today, I will talk about an incident where I considered myself a failure. I transferred last year to the University as a junior when I went through a tough transition. I failed several classes my first semester due to it becoming a big impact on myself,emotional my well being and just adjusting to being an independent college student with no support from family. I was withdrawn to the comfort I had at home, and support, however things changed. I dealt with it through overcoming many obstacles I faced in the way. I had to take a deep reevaluation where I stood in my life as to where I wanted to be. From August 2014 to today I dragged a mediocre GPA of a 2.0 to above a 3.0 and achieving along the way a new set of success tools. I have landed a great internship with Macy`s Credit services and  now am even looking into several graduate programs. To me, this not only shows to myself the progress I have made. I saw my self as a failure evaluating my low self confidence due to poor performances in classes and all in all feeling like a lost soul. I saw my self as lonely or in capable as I did or on the verge of not being able to sustain my own life whether it be through having enough money to buy groceries or pay my rent. Today, I am a champion because I have gone through things that have gave me definition and character. I know how capable I actually am and am proud sooo proud of who I was then to who I have molded my self to be now. Although, this all happened through plenty of self reevaluation, new risks, different approaches, and plenty of crying, I learned that the best way to deal with personal failure is within yourself. Learning who you are, understanding who you are, understanding that nothing is perfect , and most of all learning that you are not wealthy out of money because cash is infinite it is an energy source that in essence fluctuates with drive, love motivation, and conviction. You are wealthy through love, motivation, drive because that is what is enough and shapes your life by being this way. All in all, as I close the chapter of m undergraduate career at UF this class to me evokes the process of failure, reevaluation, and determination that drives that cashflow/ energy flow that results from process.  It has reaffirmed the emotional process of success, money, and happiness. Risk is the unknown and in order to succeed in this one must take the opportunity. Thanks ENT 3003 for shaping me as a business women and a human!


  1. Jazmin, I greatly appreciated having the opportunity to read your blog! I am amazed at the honesty that you displayed. However, I do not think that you were originally a failure. You pushed hard and worked for what you got. I am inspired by your story. I am as hard on myself as you are and I know how annoying that gets. However, congrats on your success and feel free to check out my blog!

  2. Jazmin your post was incredible and very honest. I have to say you should be very proud of yourself, to come back from failing several classes is a tough think and many do not come back from that. You are a champion and this was a great post. You can check out mine at

  3. This is very inspiring, It is totally okay to fail at something, sometimes it is necessary. But you have shown great strength and personal motivation to turn around your bad semester and excel in your studies. Congratulations on the Internship in Macy's that seems like a great experience.
