Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Venture Concept no.2

 To me, the most important thing in the world, and quality that humans are able to possess is the virtue of empowerment. Through a good book,  everyone can possibly  learn how to feel more control for their lives. Reading is not exclusive, but it is universal. If learning through reading can stimulate different  avenues of your mind why can it not stimulate change. You see, as a political science student I have learned that our normal everyday as westerners, capitalists, and most of all dreamers is facilitated and enabled through creativity. Therefore if we, humans are able to be increasingly creative through all of the different stories and concepts we read in our lives whether it be in science, history or language arts. That is why I have found a huge unmet need in foreign developing countries.   The general population has not progressed due to the fact that the citizens are not in control of what and who they are. There is this constant fixed idea in countries that you are to follow an not to lead, to be and not to choose to be, and that is why I want to change this structure for the better. Through learning to read, and to choose what you would like to read  generations will feel empowered in knowing how to form an argument, how to critically think and eventually be critically intelligent.  I present to you reading leaders.
         Reading believers will be ideally an international initiative to solve the issue of empowerment and overall for the generations of developing countries to be intellectually empowered. The goal is to make a difference in socioeconomic classes and merge generations, ethnicity and people everywhere as one. To me, the nature of the need is to not only merge people together but to enhance the mindset of generations and hopefully impact the way they see opportunity, strength, tradition and more.
         Moreover, I would like to highlight that the forces in the world creating this issue are governmental intermediaries that have different perspectives on what something, someone is or has to be, in the demographic market of developing worlds. Currently, competitors are satisfying the issue of empowerment through multiple volunteer services that cater to the developing world, but i feel that my perspective is different because it uses reading not only as cause but as a movement. This window of opportunity in my opinion is infinitely open.
        Next, I would like to talk about innovation. Innovation is increasingly relevant since it is essentially the way that your product will be positioned, conducted and branded. The way that I am hoping to set this idea up is gathering donations from different sources that have similar missions. I would gather books and set up donation routes. I would visit places like the boys and girls club. girls place, schools and different clubs on campus. Ideally I would love to create a service mission where volunteers would travel and visit other nonprofit organizations as Fabretto in Nicaragua ( that is non-profit that creates schools ) and have volunteers read books that they would bring to them and have literary discussions. The trip would most definitely have a fee and monetary help through grants and IRS donations being I would want it to be a 501 (c)(3). Also, locally I would love to continue the mission by having people sponsor/pay "empowerment bags" That would have a book of their choice, and an empowering message.
        To make chief point in dressing my venture concept, people and volunteers would pay to be apart of this experience because american people are becoming increasingly liberal, open to change, socially conscience and less exclusive. This venture would most definitely address these issues in developing countries because it will serve as a way to tie in a gap, and people love to participate in socially awareness activities. Customers would not switch to my product since it is a service. Also, my competitors I believe is my self since the organization is not for profit. This is for a fact the weakness and vulnerability of the venture. Not only are these weakness difficult but marketing will therefore be twice as essential. Things such as my price points, distribution, customer support, the customer experience or the business location will be determining factors to my success. Finally the organization of this idea will be stemmed of creating a presence in college millennials where they feel empowered to empower others.
Additionally, I would like to talk about my secret sauce. My secret element to success is the fact that I am a lot more passionate about this than guacanola. This being the situation, I feel that it hindered my creative process when developing my product. Also, as a millennial I have the unfair advantage knowing what appeals to them. The next step is just diving myself and making this happen making sure that I at least try and hopefully see a progress within the next 5 years!
Finally, from me gathering my feedback from my "whats next " "and "venture concept" I have learned that people respond better when they understand my concept and are confident in my abilities. I intend to portray this because I do posses these abilities in this field. All in all, I learned that this was not the circumstance in my prior product and it is here so I intend to actually succeed! Hope you all love it as much as I do!


  1. Dear Jazmine,

    I am not a big fan of reading but I do see the importance in your idea. It is nice to see how passionate you are about this idea. Your concept not only will be profitable but it will be a greater good to the community. Good job on the assignment, keep up the good work.

    Here is the link to view my “Venture Concept # 2” post:

  2. Jazmin, great job finding something you have a greater passion for than Guacanola. I love the idea of empowering developing countries through reading! Great work with this assignment and throughout the course!

  3. Jazmine, I love your venture concept. Your broad view of wanting to reach out to as many people as possible is amazing. I think that with the right pieces in place you can really turn this idea into something special. I think the biggest reason for that is because you are targeting so many different people. View my post at

  4. Hi Jazmine,

    While I love the idea of your venture concept, I don't exactly feel that it's realistic. I know for a fact that there has been other non-profit organizations such as this with the same goal and the world is still the same way. At the end of the day, government really controls just about everything in these countries. Also, just like the company in our final weekly reading, I imagine you would have a high chance of running into hostile people that just want to stop you. Besides all that, I think what you're trying to do is a great thing and even if you only help a few people, you still made the world a better place. Check out my post at

  5. Jazmin, very unique venture idea. This idea is truly beneficial to the world community. I think it might be more effective to approach your venture on a smaller scale first, like a city or community. If the venture is successful then you can expand it to larger areas. Regardless I know the government could use a useful program to help boost the intellect level of its youth. Overall, keep up the good work. Check out my post at
