Wednesday, April 6, 2016

My Exit Strategy

My exit strategy for my company is simple. Many of the decisions I have made throughout my venture have been directed me to decide that my product is not a true passion of mine. Although, I do have a passion for what I have developed because it is something that I have actually done I would probably sell my company to a well-established corporation that can market and direct the product to a successful future. I have selected this because since I do not have a true dire passion for it. I care more about positive change, and this is how I believe guacanola will influence the masses. This decision has impacted the different things I have done because the assignment show potential that the product has. It has not influenced how the opportunity was executed but because at first I was testing my passion for it, but it has influences the growth that I see for guacanola.


  1. Hey Jazmin! If you do not have a true passion for what you do, I agree that selling it could be the best approach. This is a way for you to take advantage of your idea while also making a profit. I also plan to let mine grow and then sell it so that I can allow it to be managed by more experienced individuals. Great post! You can check mine out here:

  2. Jazmin,
    It's too bad to hear that your venture for this class is not a passion of yours. However, I believe that it is a good thing that you identified this now, rather than becoming complacent and unfulfilled in the future. I too came to this realization about my venture, through the course of this class. Overall, good job on this assignment. Feel free to check out my blog at:
