Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Elevator Pitch 4

 ^^ This is my elevator pitch. What I did on this pitch is take a complete different approach. I went to a completely new venture concept. Doing so I believe was the most influential thing being that a lot of my feed back was confused student because I did not succeed in explaining the concept well. This was not the case this time. Also this was important to me on my last pitches to improve on because I do agree with my previous feedback. Ultimately, this is what I changed.

1 comment:

  1. Jazmin, great job explaining your new concept in your final elevator pitch. I would encourage you to show your passion and excitement for this venture in your pitch with your voice and gesturing with your hands. Practice makes perfect and an elevator pitch should be rehearsed a few times before giving it to investors or professionals as it was distracting to listen to with all of the pauses. Overall good job and good luck with your venture in the future!
