Sunday, April 24, 2016

Week 15 Reading Reflection

 Reading this article was very some what inspiring. Coming from a political background I feel that I  have a clear understanding on what culture and business does for each other. Therefor being said I do believe the point that the author makes about coexisting (this was what I understood). Culture is deep rooted in many of the successes that had been inquired through out business. I do not disagree with anything the author said, but I was more amazed and inspired by the stories that were provided. These stories were shocking to me because I was never fully aware of the. If I had to ask any questions to the author I would ask him about his opinion on what he wrote and if he has had any personal effect to this.

Final reflection

 My experience as an entrepreneur has been one to remember. By far, this has been the only class that has tested me mentally in my character to approach real world scenarios. I will eternally remember the awkward videos recordings, missing points because I couldn’t load a video, but most importantly the creative light that I have now added to my skill set.
2)         The most formative experience that I have had and I will remember for the later years has definitely been the women entrepreneurship synopsis. I think that at that poin tin the class was when I really started to embrace my potential and feel as an entrepreneur. It made my experiences during assignments so much more rounded. It was probably also my most joyous experience considering the fact that I met the famous professor Pryor!
            Next, the most proud moment that I have had during the course has one hundred percent been when I realized that I wanted to actually create my own nonprofit/ initiative whatever. It added value to my experience in the class and made me feel that I found myself in a way.. This is something that I cannot say for many classes in UF.
3)         At the end of the semester I have been able to build a guiding mindset. It was more than grading exams of reading a passage. I see myself as an entrepreneur now because I have learned to apply my mindset to my goals. Thank you Dr. Pryor for this.

4) The one recommendation I would make to students is to be on top of your assignment it will catch you by surprise in exam week. This being said, I would say it will enhance your experience in the class and will allow you to put your 100 percent attention in to the class, meaning grade wise and building that essential mindset.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Elevator Pitch 4

 ^^ This is my elevator pitch. What I did on this pitch is take a complete different approach. I went to a completely new venture concept. Doing so I believe was the most influential thing being that a lot of my feed back was confused student because I did not succeed in explaining the concept well. This was not the case this time. Also this was important to me on my last pitches to improve on because I do agree with my previous feedback. Ultimately, this is what I changed.

Venture Concept no.2

 To me, the most important thing in the world, and quality that humans are able to possess is the virtue of empowerment. Through a good book,  everyone can possibly  learn how to feel more control for their lives. Reading is not exclusive, but it is universal. If learning through reading can stimulate different  avenues of your mind why can it not stimulate change. You see, as a political science student I have learned that our normal everyday as westerners, capitalists, and most of all dreamers is facilitated and enabled through creativity. Therefore if we, humans are able to be increasingly creative through all of the different stories and concepts we read in our lives whether it be in science, history or language arts. That is why I have found a huge unmet need in foreign developing countries.   The general population has not progressed due to the fact that the citizens are not in control of what and who they are. There is this constant fixed idea in countries that you are to follow an not to lead, to be and not to choose to be, and that is why I want to change this structure for the better. Through learning to read, and to choose what you would like to read  generations will feel empowered in knowing how to form an argument, how to critically think and eventually be critically intelligent.  I present to you reading leaders.
         Reading believers will be ideally an international initiative to solve the issue of empowerment and overall for the generations of developing countries to be intellectually empowered. The goal is to make a difference in socioeconomic classes and merge generations, ethnicity and people everywhere as one. To me, the nature of the need is to not only merge people together but to enhance the mindset of generations and hopefully impact the way they see opportunity, strength, tradition and more.
         Moreover, I would like to highlight that the forces in the world creating this issue are governmental intermediaries that have different perspectives on what something, someone is or has to be, in the demographic market of developing worlds. Currently, competitors are satisfying the issue of empowerment through multiple volunteer services that cater to the developing world, but i feel that my perspective is different because it uses reading not only as cause but as a movement. This window of opportunity in my opinion is infinitely open.
        Next, I would like to talk about innovation. Innovation is increasingly relevant since it is essentially the way that your product will be positioned, conducted and branded. The way that I am hoping to set this idea up is gathering donations from different sources that have similar missions. I would gather books and set up donation routes. I would visit places like the boys and girls club. girls place, schools and different clubs on campus. Ideally I would love to create a service mission where volunteers would travel and visit other nonprofit organizations as Fabretto in Nicaragua ( that is non-profit that creates schools ) and have volunteers read books that they would bring to them and have literary discussions. The trip would most definitely have a fee and monetary help through grants and IRS donations being I would want it to be a 501 (c)(3). Also, locally I would love to continue the mission by having people sponsor/pay "empowerment bags" That would have a book of their choice, and an empowering message.
        To make chief point in dressing my venture concept, people and volunteers would pay to be apart of this experience because american people are becoming increasingly liberal, open to change, socially conscience and less exclusive. This venture would most definitely address these issues in developing countries because it will serve as a way to tie in a gap, and people love to participate in socially awareness activities. Customers would not switch to my product since it is a service. Also, my competitors I believe is my self since the organization is not for profit. This is for a fact the weakness and vulnerability of the venture. Not only are these weakness difficult but marketing will therefore be twice as essential. Things such as my price points, distribution, customer support, the customer experience or the business location will be determining factors to my success. Finally the organization of this idea will be stemmed of creating a presence in college millennials where they feel empowered to empower others.
Additionally, I would like to talk about my secret sauce. My secret element to success is the fact that I am a lot more passionate about this than guacanola. This being the situation, I feel that it hindered my creative process when developing my product. Also, as a millennial I have the unfair advantage knowing what appeals to them. The next step is just diving myself and making this happen making sure that I at least try and hopefully see a progress within the next 5 years!
Finally, from me gathering my feedback from my "whats next " "and "venture concept" I have learned that people respond better when they understand my concept and are confident in my abilities. I intend to portray this because I do posses these abilities in this field. All in all, I learned that this was not the circumstance in my prior product and it is here so I intend to actually succeed! Hope you all love it as much as I do!

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Week 14 reading

 The biggest surprise to read was about the difference in the mind of a social entrepreneur and a business entrepreneur. I can agree with everything the author writes because I think that the entrepreneurial journey is all inter-correlated some way. Moreover, if I was to ask the author some questions I would ask if there are prominent differences in social and business entrepreneurs, and I would also ask if the social obligation distract the business model. These questions are confusing to me.

Google Gold

 As I learned, search engine optimization in a network as large as google is very essential. During the course of the development of my blog, some of the things I did to pursue SEO was to make sure that everything that I wrote was compelling in some way. The more intriguing something will be online the more attraction or interest it will generate. Additionally, some keywords that I used were youth, modern, healthy to attract a target market. I pretty much continued this concept throughout the blog. Although I can recognize that social media may enhance the SEO efforts I did not have a stable concept to surface yet that I was able to put out. I am a believer that social media does generate a great success considering that plenty of sales today in business are generated via web. A post that generated the most traffic I believe was my first post because a lot of people did not know or understand my product. Finally, it was really cool to see that I made it to the first page of google!
Image result for google

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Very Short Interview Part 2

Reflecting from my original experience and in essence opener to the science and practice of entrepreneurship, it has been very interesting to discover a great deal of personal growth within my character, spirit, and over all entrepreneurial mindset. As this semester comes to a close, to my pleasant discovery, I found that my second interview with CFO of Cabo Flats Delia Amador, and part owner, was a lot more directive, to the point and in general with a purpose. Although she did not feel comfortable for business purposes to engage in video/audio interview, we engaged in a short email interview to solve a few "pressing questions". My questions went as followed:

1) As an entrepreneur what was the the largest unmet need that you were able to meet in expanding your product/ service?

-  "That is a great question, well the largest unmet need that as a company we have been able to target has been the demand for high quality Mexican food and drinks. Being from South Florida, there is a culture that is heavily reliant on street/ pub food for this amazing food. Attacking this market has been a huge success when matching the food to excellent service (that is well appreciated in Miami) that Cabo continuously provides".

2) From your success to date, what has been the key element in your business to succeed?
- To date, I believe that any business like Cabo when creating a line extension as we have in opening different restaurant has been to diversify. Diversity is important not only in business but in areas like South Florida that fluctuates in socioeconomic levels.

3) Where do you see your company and your self in 5 years?
- In five years from today, we plan on just working on continuous success and distinguishing the brand that is Cabo Flats. In a few short years, we have been able to make a small start up restaurant to a successful recognizable brand that is valued at 8 million dollars, and featured recently in the Miami Food and Wine festival. This is a positive direction, so to me the sky is the limit right now.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Week 13 reading

The most confusing thing to understand of this chapter was the pricing formula. It was difficult for me to understand at first. In fact, I had to re read it to understand it. Next the most surprising thing to read was the LOI method. It was cool to see how it impacts start ups. Again, as I always believe, I do not think that the author was wrong about anything because it is a new concept to me however it would be interesting to me to analyze these tactics on different startups to evaluate results. Two questions that I would ask the author is if he used any of these strategies, and how integral are start up costs to investors.

Celebrating Failure

 Failure is never easy to conquer or speak about. In fact, it is the hardest thing to talk about because it involves vulnerability when as students, siblings,  and friends, we work so hard to/be show confidence. Today, I will talk about an incident where I considered myself a failure. I transferred last year to the University as a junior when I went through a tough transition. I failed several classes my first semester due to it becoming a big impact on myself,emotional my well being and just adjusting to being an independent college student with no support from family. I was withdrawn to the comfort I had at home, and support, however things changed. I dealt with it through overcoming many obstacles I faced in the way. I had to take a deep reevaluation where I stood in my life as to where I wanted to be. From August 2014 to today I dragged a mediocre GPA of a 2.0 to above a 3.0 and achieving along the way a new set of success tools. I have landed a great internship with Macy`s Credit services and  now am even looking into several graduate programs. To me, this not only shows to myself the progress I have made. I saw my self as a failure evaluating my low self confidence due to poor performances in classes and all in all feeling like a lost soul. I saw my self as lonely or in capable as I did or on the verge of not being able to sustain my own life whether it be through having enough money to buy groceries or pay my rent. Today, I am a champion because I have gone through things that have gave me definition and character. I know how capable I actually am and am proud sooo proud of who I was then to who I have molded my self to be now. Although, this all happened through plenty of self reevaluation, new risks, different approaches, and plenty of crying, I learned that the best way to deal with personal failure is within yourself. Learning who you are, understanding who you are, understanding that nothing is perfect , and most of all learning that you are not wealthy out of money because cash is infinite it is an energy source that in essence fluctuates with drive, love motivation, and conviction. You are wealthy through love, motivation, drive because that is what is enough and shapes your life by being this way. All in all, as I close the chapter of m undergraduate career at UF this class to me evokes the process of failure, reevaluation, and determination that drives that cashflow/ energy flow that results from process.  It has reaffirmed the emotional process of success, money, and happiness. Risk is the unknown and in order to succeed in this one must take the opportunity. Thanks ENT 3003 for shaping me as a business women and a human!

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

My Exit Strategy

My exit strategy for my company is simple. Many of the decisions I have made throughout my venture have been directed me to decide that my product is not a true passion of mine. Although, I do have a passion for what I have developed because it is something that I have actually done I would probably sell my company to a well-established corporation that can market and direct the product to a successful future. I have selected this because since I do not have a true dire passion for it. I care more about positive change, and this is how I believe guacanola will influence the masses. This decision has impacted the different things I have done because the assignment show potential that the product has. It has not influenced how the opportunity was executed but because at first I was testing my passion for it, but it has influences the growth that I see for guacanola.

Sunday, April 3, 2016

What is Next

My product is unique and the concept is different. Apart from attempting to launch successful marketing concepts I will incorporate line extensions to the guacanola bars. I feel that this direction will solidify what makes my product different. Capitalizing on my future and past feedback I have learned that there needs to be audience education on the product. So I do think this is what will make sense as a future step apart form extension.
Moreover, I am not sure what a different turn will be for my product because it is so distinct, but apart from hitting up the healthy market spaces I will try to aim for the education system and maybe implement a new nutritional incentive considering the organic flavors my product has. If I can influence people in my venture then to me that will be considered a success.
My recordings were cut short due to shortage space on my phone, but I interviewed parents and a young student who like the idea to a certain extent. One of my clients actually took some of my product home after my interview. ...( I was attempting to gather attention by offering samples..) . She really identified with sending a new message to younger generations about food...

Lastly, before I end this post I just wanted to say that it is possible that my audio recording may not be downloaded. However, rest assured I will satisfy this issue.

Thank you for your time in knowing what guacnola bar products are. I hope to make this a success!

Week 12 reading

Week 12 reading was the most interesting to me. The most / exciting/ surprising this was learning the many step through the entrepreneural concept. I do not think that the author is wrong, however the concept of informal and formal planing to me was confusing.  Finally if I were to ask anything to the author I would ask him what were the steps to a successful swot analysis and if there are any tricks to this.

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Week 11 Reading

 While week 11 reading was the most interesting reading that I have read so far I do belive that the author was wrong about one thing to a certain extent. He was not wrong however I believe it is probably circumstantial. To me this was also the most surprising thing of the reading which was the innovative things are the only successful business ventures. Since I am new to this field I am not completely sure, but I do believe that there are many repetative products in a market that has shown to be successful. So if I was to ask the author any questions I would ask him how repetative products like blogs have been successful or are they even successful if so. To me this conept makes sense but it is confusing to me.

The Amazon Whisperer

  • Describe the revenue drivers you currently include in your business concept for this class. Revenue drivers are the different ways you make money. Well my main revenue driver would be direct sales because I do have a food product.
  • Describe what kind of product offering you believe should be next. What's the next thing your customers want? I believe next would be to have different flavor of guacnola or maybe make it into a pre made cereal to eat with water to attract lactose customers.
  • Describe how this "next" thing will enhance your existing product/service offering. Does it improve the user experience, does it increase customer switching costs, does it foster customer loyalty, etc.? Yes it does because it makes use have different variety to be seen in different places.
  • Go to Amazon and try to find a product that is similar to the one you want to offer next. Describe the product. Include a picture of the product. I searched for this product and there is no other products that are like it so i would be the first on the market.
  • What are the customer reviews for the product? What, exactly, do customers not like about the product? What do they like about it? My current reviews are that it is a strange combo and not very appealing but once you eat it then your mind is changed.
  • Describe what design/usability changes you'd make to the product. Creating variety.
  • Describe why you think this product would make a good addition to your current product/service offering. Because it would be appeal to more people making demand increase.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Week 10 Reading Reflection

Reading Reflection
The most interesting part to read within the chapter was the exact procedures of a start up. With that, it spiked (the most surprising element) my interest on how marketing was the most valuable/important element within the financial procedures in the entrepreneurial venture process. The most confusing element of the reading was differentiating the many pricing strategies.The author was not wrong about anything. If I was able to ask the author two questions I would ask him what pricing strategies were used the most in the field, and if the startegies in this chapter change if a product hits online or retail.

Growing my Social Capital

           1)      Vivek Kumar a fourth year business student who started his own farm to fresh delivery service. He served as my domain expert which was amazing considering he was in a similar situation (being a student) as me being a young entrepreneur. To me he was the perfect expert because he served in the student market, he knows the struggle between student and entrepreneur, and he has dabbled with the fresh food student snack/food area. The nature of this relationship was a short interview through mutual contacts within a club in the school of business called Alpha Kappa Psi.

     2) Next, I will discuss my industry expert who is named Ishmael Perez. He is a fitness professional who works as a physical trainer. He is a father and a professional who is always on the go. He serves as inside knowledge because he being that he as a trainer is concerned for the health and nutrition of the body. I found this contact because he is the trainer of a close friend. The nature of this contact was for possible health and food advice being that he is the most knowledgeable person that I know of in this field. This person will enhance my network because he works close to the field. He has also worked with many industry leaders that are knowledgeable and aware of this market.
      3) The last person that I spoke to was the supplier. I approached the office of Student Activities and Involvement. I approached them as my supplier because they deal with hundreds of clubs on campus and therefore can evaluate the product amongst students. Therefore, the exchange of this communication was to receive advice and maybe possible signs to give this ago. If this contact is a success it can possibly allow me to start and test the product in campus which is really important considering the doubt this product has created according to my feedback on some comments.

All in all, this experience allowed me shape and focus my approach. It has allowed me to target my conversation, narrow some priorities and collectively be more prepared. Different from my last networking event I was able to get right to the point rather than scatter the focus.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Elevator Pitch 3

  Hey guys, thank you for taking the time with my new pitch. This time around I must admit I still have a few nerves in approaching  this, however I attempted to give a more direct explanation on what is a guacamole/ granola bar. What I was able to gather from my comments and feedback was that my product served as an intriguing idea that was still vague. Hopefully, after this new pitch you are able to learn what the snack is faster than in my last pitch. Also, for the future I believe that I will take polls for flavoring since the general public relates guacamole as a savory food. Thank again and have a guac tastic day!!

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Idea Napkin No.2

·         You. Who you are. What your talents are. What your skills and experiences are. Also: what are your aspirations? Specifically regarding your business concept, how do you see this business (if you were to start it) playing a role in your life?
-  Hi everyone. For my second idea napkin I will be shaping my approach according to the last Idea Napkin. As a person I would love to highlight my motivation and drive to work with the environment. People, earth, and new decisions are few things that peek my interest. Some of my experiences include working with a wide age group of people. My experience working with kids and adults has shaped me to realize that everyone needs and craves healthier choices. Therefore, my aspiration for business is people and their better choices. I see this as a big part of my future if it is a success.
·         What are you offering to customers? Describe the product or service (in other words, how you'll solve customers' unmet needs). 
- Since I concluded that my motivation is the public I am offering a new guac product that is sweet and is delicious for a snack at any time of the day. This fits into a new avocado product for the healthy food seekers. It will include granola, avocado, and chocolate.
·          Who are you offering it to? Describe, in as much detail as possible, the demographic and psychographic characteristics of your customers. Think especially of this question: what do your customers all have in common?
- My demographic is 21 and older. This is the age where everyone is seeking to maintain a healthier body and care about self. There is a trend of people wanting to be young so they will invest in this value.
·        Why do they care? Your solution is only valuable insofar as customers believe its valuable to them. Here, explain why customers will actually pay you money to use your product or service. 
- I believe that people will pay because it will be inexpensive while offering tasty alternatives. This replaces chocolate bars, chewy bars and different cereal bars that are very expensive now a day. The value is obvious weighing the price.
·         What are your core competencies? What sets you apart from everyone else? Also: what do you have that nobody else has? 
-       What sets me apart is that I believe in this product. I have done it for myself for many years and realize how great, cheap and healthy it is. I know everyone will love it.
I believe that these 5 elements I have described above fit great together. There is an undiscovered section in food. Healthy food is proving to be of demand while organic markets are enjoying 80 percent margins. I want to capitalize on that with a product I know is great. This is why these 5 elements bring faith in guacanola journey.

Finally, part of my feedback from my original idea napkin was positive reactions. Everyone loved my passion for people and healthy snack. This was easy to narrow down my focus and really think of a launching pad for the product. Therefore I think that my 5 elements just need more sharpening and can potentially get really freak in great.

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Week 8 Reading Reflection

       Debt Financing and Equity financing is a difficult product to truly grasp if you have to knowledge of finance and business. The most surprising part to me is the fact that more borrowing allows for potentially greater return on equity because relationships are due to intensify because of the monthly repay pressure of debt financing. In essence, being surprising it was the hardest idea to understand. Moreover, the author was not wrong about anything because the entire concept was so new to me. However, if I were to ask the author any questions I would ask him how to balance all these factors efficiently while being an entrepreneur with no prior business experience. Also is this prior question a determinant in startups failure.

Half Way Reflection

 Entrepreneurship is an extremely spiritual, intellectual and personal experience. This class is definitely the epitome of fully embracing your intellectual mind and immerse your self as a new thinker, business person and leader. The past two months have been intellectually rewarding in comparison to quizzes and exams that do not really help grasp on subjects. On the contrary, Ent3003 enables your scholarly self in order to maximize your entrepreneurial thinking. Some behaviors that I have obtained in order to remain on the right path is consciousnesses and organization. There is always something due, and to do. In order to actually maintain the best outcomes is to organize your self. I have done this by daily organization in a daily planner. Many times has been simple to want to give up with never ending work, but what has pulled me through is actually the content. Dr Pryor does a great job actually engaging you intellectually to therefore want to do the assignments. I have developed a tenacious attitude by not only being on my toes on the frequent assignments, but being organized. This has developed by one time where I waited last minute and missed some points. After this time I realized that it was time to do things right, organized and on time. From this incident my interest has spiked and it has been a positive journey there after. Some skills I would offer to future students is to be hungry. Thirst for knowledge and immerse yourself. This class is not tedious its a personal experience that is never offered in classes at UF. Also, be very, very organized.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Week 7 reading reflection

 In this chapter the most surprising element was the fact that the market concentration has been centered on the needs with in advertising. I always believed that this was opposite. On that same note that was the most confusing part to me. Marketing to me was always centered on needs rather than advertising needs. This was the hardest element to comprehend. Also, if I was going to ask the aithor different things I would ask them the influences of the marketing segmentations and their personal experiences relating to so. Lastly, the author is not wrong about anything. There is always different approaches especially in marketing so everything is a learning experience.

Free Money

 Free Money was a challenging social experiment. The way that I approached this was to approach people that were already involved in conversations. I choose to do this this way because it was a challenging activity for me.  I went to campus to do this activity, however I do not believe this was a successful turnout. Students were either freaked out and did not respond well. Since the audience I approached were students I started the conversation based on classes or UF campus activities. One thing that I think I could have worked on was having a systematic was the topic and have a functional plan. My personal experience was that it was a mix some people wanted the money and other didn't. This is useful in approaching different markets. My prediction was not correct or incorrect. I assumed othes will take and that others will not.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Elevator Pitch 2

Durring this Assignment I was able to deliver key points regarding my product. Since this is my first attempt on submitting an elevator pitch I will try to be clear and to the point. Reflective to my experience I would tie my self more to the product.
I am looking forward to creating great improvement pendant to my feedback. I hope everyone enjoys GuacNola Bars!

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Week 6 Reading Reflection

This article was the most interesting article by far that I was able to read during the course. To me, the most attractive detail from the article (most surprising) was learning the five forces that govern the profit structure of an industry by determining  how the economic value it creates is apportioned. The causes and effects are hypnotizing and mind blowing. Moreover reading the article I learned  some pretty confusing things such as just generally understanding the work study formula. If  I were to ask the author some questions I would ask them how he applies this formula to the everyday, and how it it applies to not only work ethic but personal ethic. I do not think the author was wrong about anything,

Customers Interview No.3

 As I conducted my second set of interviews I learned that maybe avocados as a snack bar is not a completely great idea. People seemed to really enjoy the fact that it is healthy but they had doubts on convenience and suggested that adding a variety of flavors would be great. The marketing aspect seemed to be really important because people do not necessarily understand the product. However, some thought that it was different, clever and provided much nutritional incentives. Reflecting, if the product is a success I can then try different flavors like suggested. The most uprising thing that my customers told me that it might not work and to add bacon???.... interesting. All in all, this turn of customers offered a lot more of direct incite as oppose to my last set of interviews which is great. I therefore had a lot more things to think of rather than general feedback. I strategy was to conduct open ended questions on one topic. The last person I interviewed liked the idea yet was confused. I conducted the interview through the phone where I learned that many people do not really like avocados. Therefore I learned a new perspective. Video will be posted soon the person did nto feel comfortable at the moment recording.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Idea Napkin No.1

1) My name is Jazmin Rubido, and I am a fourth year Political Science student with a minor in entrepreneurship and business. One of my strong suits is the fact that I am a people person and am in a sense personable. I have an extensive list of working with people starting from working with children, families, students, and adults. Some of my aspirations is to add nourishment to the world we live in through healthy nutrition. Regarding my business, I see my business taking place in the nature food/ snack segment.
2) Through my business of Guacanola, I am offering cheap natural snack food. 2 things that are hard to obtain as a student. It is convenient.
3) My product is being offered the student that searches for health, youthfulness, ages 20-30 and consumers that love health! I know this customer because I am the customer. 
4) Consumers will pay money because it tastes great, its inexpensive, and it is convenient!
5) What sets me apart from others is my drive to serve others, benefit others, and DEFINITELY make money!
- In addition to all of these aspects above, I would like to add that as an entrepreneur I have more of a personal attachment to the product. I do not know if these elements will be particularly successful for the product success, but we will see. However, my positive attitude will compensate. I have the drive for success! 

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Week 5 reading

 In this chapter I believe that the author was not wrong with anything. There are certain things that he suggests that are subjective in reality, so several things that he can say will not fit for all. However, I believe that the most confusing part of this chapter to read for me was the part where the author introduced is the life cycle of new ventures. Also, the most surprising thing to me was reading was learning the importance of the Marketing cycle in the entrepreneurial life. Finally, two questions that I would ask the author would be:  how do you take a failing venture to success? How useful is technology in new ventures?

Interviewing Customers No.2

 This time I interviewed customers was unique because I focused on a campus based approach. I knew that as a scholarly entrepreneur I wanted to create a product that improved the dietary needs of students. I think that I conquered a great step on my journey... communication. The gateway to success. This time I spoke to different people to analyze the different perspectives of the people that are around campus, so I included a staff member. I asked same questions as a whole but different questions here and there to therefore be reactive as a variable. Many of my questions were similar but some shorter than others seeing how some people were not comfortable with recording. Having some interviews under my belt I feel great, especially knowing that I have backup to encourage me on my journey. Seeing I was nervous about the project I feel great that I conquered it. All in all , I learned that food is essential to campus life and with today`s healthy trends, good food is of the essence along with the convenience and price. Moreover, I did not do Interviewing customers 1 so my description of my opportunity has not changed just enabled. Also, my idea of a potential customer has changed because I was able to narrow a certain segment, and  I learned much about food needs and unmet needs on campus. For students next semester I would say, this is a great assignment and a great class so you will learn a lot about yourself. You get as much as you put in and in terms of assignments this can only benefit you. Don't be scared, prepare with time, and to be patient on inpatient people.. it will happen . This is all part of the journey.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Elevator Pitch 1

My pitch is on guacbars which a delicous and nutrious. The need is in organic food which is heavey wanted and required. With an increase in consumer demand for avacado this is a perfect product just needs work.

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Week 4 Reading Reflection

The most different thing that I learned from the reading was the fact that you can develop creativity. Within the reading one of the most the most confusing things to me were reading the uses of the hemispheres of your brain. Although I understand their functions I had trouble connecting them to the reading. Also, if I was able to ask the author some questions I would probably as him  what are some activities that I can do to enact creativity, and if I did this how can I get some ideas of the ground. Finally I do not disagree with the author because I learned that if you commit to something ambition and drive will drive you.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Top 5 World Problems

(N.1) 6. Another world problem is developing worlds. Developing worlds are suffering from a lack of food supply. The solution is having some type of general world consensus where everyone is working together.
(N.2) 10. I believe that the last problem in the world is terrorism. I believe that this constant conflict hinders the world peace. A solution is to even the fields and work together, for an ultimate universal economy where everyone will benefit!
(N.3) 1. The first problem I feel that the world is facing is a rapid aging of baby boomers. They are taking from the economy rather than helping. A possible healthcare crisis. A solution to the gray aging of boomers would probably, may be focusing on ways that they can contribute to the economy is implementing a longer efficient public policy on health care.
(N.4) 2. Another problem in the world that is happening is that everyone is moving to the coast. Today, 7 out of 10 major cities are in the coast rather than mid America. This can dramatically influence economies, sustainability, and more. One solution may be expanding on quality of life offered in the mid-west.
(N.5) 5. Another world problem that I believe we can potentially be facing as a world is having a president whom does not believe in minorities. I believe this that by 2030 the US will not have a minority. A solution is having an open mind.

(N.1) 10. A solution is to even the fields and work together, for an ultimate universal economy where everyone will benefit!
(N.2) 2.One solution may be expanding on quality of life offered in the mid-west.
(N.3) 1. A solution to the gray aging of boomers would probably, may be focusing on ways that they can contribute to the economy is implementing a longer efficient public policy on health care.
(N.4) 6. The solution is having some type of general world consensus where everyone is working together.
(N.5) 5. A solution is having an open mind.

 I chose poverty as a leading international issue because it has to do with the human race and maintaining what are humans. As oppose to the other problems I offered that dealt with internal national issues.

I chose the solution to my 10th world problem as the most possible to implement because if this solution is implemented, there is a chance that every other problem can not match.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Identifying Local Opportunity

The Gainesville Sun

1)      More than 300 March to Say: Hands off our Parks

 Governor Rick Scott has been attempting to privatize State parks from respective cities. It has been a huge issue especially in the city of Gainesville. The local citizens have a problem with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection taking the jurisdiction of the local parks and opening them up to hunting, cattle grazing and more. In response, over hundreds of citizens gathered in front of Plaines Prairie. They believe that it is against the purpose of the Parks which is to preserve Florida`s rich culture.
2) Taxpayers out 1.9 Million to Exit Parking Garage Deal

 The city of Gainesville has a local vision of creating this enormous luxury hotel space in the downtown area. The issue is that the hotel`s vision of size is unfathomable without a large enough parking space. The problem is with the local governments decisions. They need to break out of a 99 year contract with local business owners to make this happen. To a larger scale the issue will extend to pay out of this deal millions that will be deducted from taxpayers.

3)      Oil prices plunge and stock prices hit lowest levels since

 The problem is that energy are pummeled as the price of crude oil sank almost 7 percent threatened to hurt an industry that has already been damaged. The problem is that we are seeing the lowest prices since 2003. Investors are therefore getting worried. In essence the problem is with everyone. The global economy may be slowing down.

 4)      Dogs Patronize Gainesville`s restaurants, never pick up the tab

There is an increase in pet friendly restaurants all over Gainesville. Many are in the process of allowing a permit, however many restaurants are just getting used to the cultural trends. In theory there is no problem. However, the problem is that only a few restaurant only have a permits and pets are not allowed in facilities due to health concerns. If inspectors were to discover this the owners will face a huge issue paying finds.

 5)      Florida's jobless rate now 5 percent, matches national level

This past year there has been a decrease all across Florida in the General unemployment rates. It is the lowest that the state has seen in quite some time. Over 22,000 jobs have been generated in this past year. This event does not have a problem, however it shows a national issue resolved locally. Unemployment has been a huge issue within American History, and to the American economy. Our governor has created a special sector for Florida to deal with this national problem, thus creating a solution … so far.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Cabo Flats- Very Short Interview No. 1


Very Short Interview No. 1

Delia Amador- Cabo Flats

The person that I am interviewing is Delia Amador. She is the CFO, and part founder/owner of Cabo Flats. Cabo Flats is a high end eating restaurant who caters high end food alongside top of the line dining experiences. During the course of completing my assignment, I asked her three questions that were followed by answers. These can be viewed below.

·         What does it mean to be an entrepreneur?
To be an entrepreneur means to be able to succeed, even if past failures are marked in history. Before Cabo Flats I was part owner of Protective Products where I learned that that the complete talent that I had to offer in entrepreneurship and business would not be maximized in this field. This is where I learned positive virtues as mentioned above that have opened a successful mindset in running my 50 million dollar food chain.

·         What do you think I should learn in an entrepreneurship course?
What I think you should learn in your course is most of all people skills that make adaptability in the field a success.

·         What do you wish you had been taught in school before setting out on your own path as an entrepreneur? 
- Before embarking in my Entrepreneurship journey I definitely recommend is learning about financial and business skills that would help risk in entrepreneurship.

Reflecting on my interview. I have learned and have been inspired to do anything great. Risk, creativity, ambition, and persistence is key!

Week 3 Reading Reflection


The most surprising aspect of the entrepreneur mindset was that all the psychological elements of mindset. This was essentially the most shocking from my expectations. I came in the class thinking that there is a certain guideline to becoming a successful entrepreneur, and to my pleasant surprise the mindset is the most important element to factor in to the success of the entrepreneur. Being said, I learned more motivational and mental elements that must be present that made the entrepreneur formula confusing to understand. If I were to ask a question to the author I would probably ask what can I do to mentally reach that point if I am not there yet. How can I develop my mindset further to reach that wanted success. Moreover, I would ask the author if the formula is actually needed when developing that mindset. I don’t believe the author was necessarily wrong about anything, however I can argue that conservative approaches are frequently considered whether risk should be accepted. I believe that this risk element is subjective because everyone has different sets of situations at different time periods. All in all, I really am intrigued in this parallel psychological, and business process that is necessary within the entrepreneurial success. Looking forward to reading more concepts on my road to becoming an entrepreneur.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Week 2 Reading Reflections

  My Week 2 Reading Reflection

Entrepreneurship: Evolutionary Development- Revolutionary Impact

Reading this chapter was an enrichment experience because of the collective external, internal and personal connections that is all used in development of an entrepreneur. The most surprising thing that I read about was the statistics concerning the failing and succeeding startups within the American economy. It was interesting to realize that the mindset of the leader (the entrepreneur) influences the success of the business. More than half of the startups do fail, however most of the new jobs in the economy are within these new businesses. My expectations were not failure, while I associated risk and success. Moreover, in the first chapter of the text book the most confusing aspect was understanding the macro and micro influences of entrepreneurs. I believe that this is an overlapping concept. I believe if I was to ask the author some questions I would probably ask if a different idea would be efficient as a new product rather than a consumer need. I would also ask the author is, that I understand the frequent risk factors associated with new business, but are there any ways to overcome failure? I don`t necessarily disagree with the author, but I do agree that the entrepreneur should posses some mentally strong and durable qualities as presented in the 10 myths and so on that can associate entrepreneurship with success. Looking forward to continue my readings!

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Worlds Biggest Problems Week 3

                                10 of the worlds largest problems... through my lenses

1. The first problem I feel that the world is facing is a the rapid aging of baby boomers. They are taking from the economy rather than helping. A possible healthcare crisis.A solution to the gray aging of boomers would probably , may be focusing on ways that they can contribute to the economy is implementing a longer efficient public policy on healthcare.
2. Another problem in the world that is happening is that everyone is moving to the coast. Today, 7 out of 10 major cities are in the coast rather than mid America. This can dramatically influence economies, sustainability, and more. One solution may be expanding on quality of life offered in the mid-west.
3. Another problem that I can Identify in the world is the obvious increasing number in student debt. This is primarily fostered by generation y that have no knowledge of American obstacles  and what they have been over come. A possible solution is recreating some form of hierarchy that will foster competition therefore influencing the economy.
4. Another issue in the world is flipped gender roles. This is financially influencing and restructuring economic needs.  This runs the world. Not saying its a bad thing. girl power! Comparing economy in the past show a parallel trends relating to adversities. A solution to this is adaption, and attention to future market spaces.
5. Another world problem that I believe we can potentially be facing as a world is having a president whom does not believe in minorities. I believe this that by 2030 the US will not have a minority.
A solution is having an open mind.
6. Another world problem is developing worlds. Developing worlds are suffering from a lack of food supply. The solution is having some type of general world consensus where everyone is working together.
7. A problem I also think that the world is facing that is relevant to number 6. Poor international leadership. A solution would be leadership training.
8. One world problem is technology. Technology is taking the place of humans. A solution is to slow down technology speeds
9. Another problem of the world is lack of education in developing worlds. I feel that this lack can hinder the growing of competition.
10. I believe that the last problem in the world is terrorism. I believe that this constant conflict hinders the world peace. A solution is to even the fields and work together, for an ultimate universal economy where everyone will benefit!

Bug List Week2

                                                       Bug List
Bug 1. One thing that really bugs me is gross bathrooms. Bathrooms with human fesses and dirty rooms is really disgusting to me. It really bugs me because it makes me feel so dirty walking in there. A personal solution can be maybe choosing a better option for myself.
Bug 2. Something else that really bugs me is long lines in fast food restaurants. This really bothers me because it really takes the fast out of fast food. Maybe if I work on my patience this would not be an issue.
Bug 3. Another bug that really bothers me is that cooking takes a long time. When I am hungry I want to eat. Cooking prior and cleaning after really delays the food and takes out the pleasure from the experience of eating. A solution again is to work on my patience.
Bug 4. Something that bothers me is a mess. This bothers me because messes make me feel out of order. The real issue can be control and order. If I understand that risk is a part of success this can help my issue.
Bug 5. Something that bothers me is money. I am always in a constant struggle with it, and it makes me feel very sad. In a way it does not make me feel equal as others in my age group. If I focus on positives rather than negatives this issue can be solved.
Bug 6. Something that bothers me is a million messages in a group chat. It kills my battery and pushes me away from a "group chat". Again, I am observing a reoccurring issue on patience.
Bug 7. Another bug that I have is when I am nice to people and they are not nice back. When this happens to me it makes me feel that I am back at primary school. Personal strength is key.
Bug 8. Something that really bugs me is not understanding a class. When I endure this it creates self doubt within. Reassurance within will be unblocked after finishing this assignment.
Bug 9. Something that bugs me A LOT is doubting myself. I want to be confident person because I feel that it will foster greater happiness within myself.
Bug 10. A bug that I have is having successes ignored. All my life I have felt this way so when this happens to me the feeling of not being appreciated seems amplified. I need to work on my confidence,
Bug 11. Something that bothers me is having not enough winter clothes. Being from south Florida, Gainesville weather is SOOO BRUTAL. I need to get more warm clothing.
Bug 12. Something that bugs me is hard pens. This bothers me because it does not make me want to continue writing, and gives me calluses. Not a huge issue, but definitely a nuisance.
Bug 13. Something that bothers me is slow wifi. This bothers me so much because in my apartment I pay so much money for "fast" internet. Takes the value of my agreement with the company I pay. Patience is a virtue Jazmin.
Bug 14. Another thing that bothers me is doing laundry. Doing laundry is so time consuming and accumulates faster than my rate of interest. haha..... wow I am really not as patient as  I gave myself credit for!
Bug 15. Something that bugs me is increasing price of guac in chipotle. It makes no sense to me when you can make a large bowl full of guac from avocados for like 60 cents a piece.... rather than chipotles ridiculous 2 dollar a unit price. Control seems to be a reoccuring theme.
Bug 16. Glasses really bother me because they are heavy on my face, and do not look great with every outfit. Confidence. if I work on my self trust I believe that patience and control would not be an issue.
Bug 17. Bad nail polish is irritates me because they only last for like 3 days before they chip. Irrelevant bug.
Bug 18. One of the largest bugs I have is poor communication. Arguments hurt my feelings and get no where when two people are in different pages. Solving all my internal bugs.. under the surface of this assignment can really help.
Bug 19. Another thing that bugs me is running without a purpose. This is how I feel about treadmills. Patience, to be improved
Bug 20. One of the worse things that bug me although I understand it, is split ends. They are not helpful with female maintenance.

 This was not challenging, however I discovered the true bother and yearning of improvement I have.  I learned that the true bug within is control, patience, and self confidence. If I personally learn and beleive that I am worthy I will be patient and therefore trusting. Control would not be so much of an apparently clear issue I have. Thanks ENT3003! I`ve learned so much about myself, and am glad to openly improve on them.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

The Entrepreneur Mantra Week2

My Entrepreneurship Story-Week 2

Hello class!

     I am not sure where to begin with my entrepreneurship story, however I believe that an entrepreneur is a strong, dedicated, and persistent, leader to guide a organization of a profitable incentive. Although, I have not created a product or a specific service my story of entrepreneurship was when I and my friend were able to raise a few hundred dollars by selling water bottles at an internationally recognized music festival named Ultra Music Festival. I believe that every great entrepreneurship story began with a great reason behind it. Our reason for selling water bottles were to raise money in order to buy furniture to move to Gainesville. The first step that we took was to strategize our business. We knew that there was a market for festival participants who do not have water in the festival because open containers are not allowed, and the water stands who did sell water were costly of limited supply, so we sold several hundred water bottles for a dollar or two dollars. The bottles came at 2 or 3 dozens for a price of 4 dollars which allowed a high margin. There the true star of the story is that we had true motive to sell these bottles, We set up in several spots to add range. We were determined to sell as much as possible to meet our individual goals. Although we set up for the entire duration of the festival we were very persistent and kept our eye on our goal. Without our ambition I believe that we would not have made as much money as we did. The first night we did not make as much as we intended, but that short coming did not stop us we tried again. Conclusively, we ended up selling $600 worth of water bottles.

      Next, out of this class I want to get out as much as possible.I am looking to be a social entrepreneur in my future so shaping my attitude is essential to me, I am going in with an open mind to be as receptive as possible to a new mindset that I believe can be essential to conquer the career world and regular life.